Foxy Effex requires WordPress 5.5 or greater, and Elementor 3.0.5 or greater.
WordPress is a free and popular web development platform. It is a PHP/MySQL web application that is installed on an Apache server. Many web hosting providers offer WordPress already installed.
Elementor is a plugin for WordPress. Elementor is a web page builder. It is a tool that you can use to create entire web pages from scratch. These pages can be publicly viewed by visitors to your WordPress website.
Both free and premium versions of Elementor exist. You can use either free or premium versions of Elementor, and both are supported by Foxy Effex.
Step #1
Download the Foxy Effex plugin from here. This will be a zip file.
Step #2
Log into your WordPress system, and go to the admin area.
Step #3
Go to “Plugins”, then “Add New”, then “Upload Plugin”.
Step #4
Upload the Foxy Effex plugin zip file.
Step #5
Go to “Plugins”, then “Installed Plugins”.
Step #6
Scroll down to the “Foxy Effex” plugin, then activate the plugin. Elementor must already be installed and activated.